Welcome to Ohio Valley Flooring

North American Distribution Network

If you are located outside of our territory, we encourage you to contact your local affiliate of our North American Distribution Network.

U.S. Distribution Network
Adleta(972) 620-5600www.adleta.com
Apollo(973) 228-5000www.apollodist.com
Belknap-White(508) 337-2700www.belknapwhite.com
W.M. Bird & Company(843) 554-3040www.wmbird.com
Cain & Bultman(904) 356-4812 www.cain-bultman.com
FlorStar(630) 616-6200www.florstar.com
B.R. Funsten(209) 825-5375www.brfunsten.com
J.J. Haines(410) 760-4045www.jjhaines.com
Ohio Valley Flooring(513) 561-3399www.ovf.com
Reader's Wholesale(713) 224-8300www.readerswholesale.com
Sea-Pac Sales(800) 762-6471www.seapacsales.com
W.C. Tingle(816) 472-4801www.wctingle.com
Tri-West Ltd.(562) 692-9166 www.triwestltd.com

Canada (not shown)
Buckwold Western(306) 652-1660n/a
G.E. Shnier & Co.(800) 970-2000 www.geshnier.com